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About Wilfried Philips.

Wilfried Philips was born in Aalst, Belgium on October 19, 1966. In 1989,
he received the Diploma degree in electrical engineering from the
University of Gent, Belgium. Since October 1989 he has been working at
the Department of Electronics and Information Systems of Ghent University,
as a research assistant for the Flemish Fund for Scientific
Research (FWO). In 1993 he obtained the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering
from Ghent university, Belgium.
His main research interests are image and video restoration,
image analysis, and lossless and lossy data compression of images and
video and processing of multimedia data.
Recent activities
W. Philips is the leader of Ghent University's research group "Image Processing and Interpretation".
He is also co-founder of the company
Senso2Me which was founded in 2015. The company
focuses on Internet of Things hardware and software solutions. The main application is elderly home care.
Personal Research Topics
Electronic papers, reports and presentations
Some of my papers and technical reports are available in electronic form
(see below). I am planning to make more reports and papers available later.
Please send me an e-mail if you would like to receice reprints on paper.
Image restauration and noise reduction
The theory and applications of orthogonal warped polynomials
- (867
- W.Philips, ``Warped polynomials and their applications in signal and
image processing,'' Tech. Rep. WP 96-02, ELIS, RUG, Gent, Belgium, 1996.
Adaptive compression and filtering of signals using time-warped orthogonal
- (200
- W. Philips, ``Adaptive noise removal from biomedical signals using
warped polynomials,'' Tech. Rep. WP 95-01, ELIS, RUG, Gent, Belgium, Jan.
Second generation image coding techniques
- (240 kbyte)
W. Philips, ``Orthogonal Base Functions on a Discrete Two-Dimensional
Region,'' Tech. Rep. DG 91-20, Jan. 1992.
- (319 kbyte)
- W. Philips, ``Fast coding of arbitrarily shaped image segments using
weakly separable bases,'' Optical Engineering, vol. 35, pp. 177-186,
Jan. 1996. Special section on Visual Communications and Image Processing.
Jan. 1996.
- (63 kbyte)
- W. Philips, ``A Fast Algorithm for Orthogonalizing Polynomials on an
Arbitrarily Shaped Region,'' Tech. Rep. WP 96-01, ELIS, RUG, Gent, Belgium,
Jan. 1996.
Lossless transform coding of images
- (58
kbyte)W. Philips and K. Denecker, ``A new embedded lossless/quasi-lossless
image coder based on the Hadamard transform (revised version),'' Proceedings
of ICIP'97, vol. 1, pp. 667-670, Oct 1997
- (77 kbyte) W.
Philips and K. Denecker, ``A lossless version of the Hadamard transformn,"
Proceedings of IEEE Prorisc'97, pp. 443-450, Nov. 1997.
How to reach Wilfried Philips
Wilfried Philips E-mail:
Vakgroep TELIN, UGent
St.-Pietersnieuwstraat 41 Tel: 32-9-264.33.85
B9000 Gent, Belgium Fax: 32-9-264.42.95
Thursday, 03-Dec-2015 11:03:45 CET