Begin3 Title: A video frame grabber for the k8100 Velleman kit Version: 0.80 Entered-date: 15 June 98 Discription: This program lets you view or save frames coming from the Velleman K8100 videograbber. This is a 512 by 512 resolution 8-bit grayscale video capture card. This program shows video on screen done by the svgalib(7) library functions and output can be saved in seperate (numbered) raw or PGM data files. Conversion is possible by the "great" ImageMagick tools. Instructions for generating MPEG video streams is explained. Keywords: video frame grabber k8100 velleman image movie MPEG linux Author: ps [@at@] "" (Philippe Serbruyns) Maintained-by: ps [@at@] "" (Philippe Serbruyns) Primary-site: /pub/Linux/apps/video 20kB k8100grab-0.80.tar.gz 2kB k8100grab-0.80.lsm Alternate-site: 20kB k8100grab-0.80.tar.gz 2kB k8100grab-0.80.lsm Platform: Linux, k8100 Velleman kit, svgalib(7) compatible videocard Copying-policy: GNU Public License End