This is GNU public license software. See COPYING for details. Author: Philippe Serbruyns Many thanks to Pascal De Petter for pointing me out how to configure this videograbber! 1) What is this? ---------------- The k8100grab is a videograb utility to record video frames with the Velleman K8100 kit. This version of k8100grab lets you view or save frames coming from the Velleman K8100 videograbber. See about the hardware. Viewing is done by the svgalib(7) library functions, thus you should run this tool from a console, not from the X Window system! Full rate depends on your hardware you're using. It is possible to capture quarter frames to increase speed, or you can specify delay's between grabs to monitor slowly evolving actions. 2) Install ---------- You should have svgalib installed. The latest version of svgalib can be found on in /pub/Linux/libs/graphics or in /pub/linux/sources/libs as svgalib-X.X.X.tar.gz. You may have to edit the k8100grab.c file to set up the IO address on the K8100 Velleman card if you're not using the default 0x300 at line 25. Type: % make And as super-user: # make install Svgalib requires direct I/O from the videocard, so k8100grab is set with the setuid bit to "root". k8100grab and 2 script tools conv2any and blankuv are copied to /usr/local/bin (see next section on what these do). A manual page is also copied to the /usr/local/man/man1 section, so you can run: % man k8100grab 3) Tools -------- You should have ImageMagick installed. The latest version of ImageMagick can be found with ftp on in /pub/graphics/ImageMagick/linux. This tools lets you convert the generated files to many popular image formats or even MPEG video. To convert raw video frames you must specify the picture size, either 512x512 or 256x256 when you use small frames. To capture and convert to a JPEG with contrast enhancement use: eg. k8100grab -w test.gray convert -contrast -size 512x512 test.gray test.jpeg To capture and display a small raw frame: eg. k8100grab -s -w test.gray (after starting the X Window System) display -size 256x256 test.gray However, I added support for the PGM (Portable Grayscale Map) graphics file format, that means a header is include so you don't have to specify the resolution anymore :-). eg. k8100grab -p -w test.pgm convert test.pgm test.jpeg # convert to JPEG Use this to convert a bunch of video frames to any format: eg. k8100grab -f 1000 -p -w test%04d.pgm # capture 1000 frames mogrify -contrast -format png *.pgm # convert to PNG A shelltool "conv2any" is provided as an example to convert *.pgm files to any format, one by one, with deletion of the original (if you lack diskspace). eg. conv2any -contrast -format tga *.pgm # convert to TGA For MPEG video you should have mpeg2vidcodec installed. The latest version of mpeg2vidcodec can be found with ftp on in /pub/mpeg/mssg. This tool lets you convert the raw gray files to an MPEG video stream. Two sample MPEG-parameter files are include: MPEG-1-256x256.par and MPEG-1-512x512.par as an example for small or normal captures. These text files can be changed a bit to addapt your needs. e.g. name of frames to convert, total number of frames, number of first frame, horizontal_size, vertical_size, bit_rate (bits/s), etc... There is a shortcut in creating the chroma files: they can be zeroed (well 128 exactly), because we use gray captures. Two blank chroma files blank256x256.UV and blank512x512.UV are included, which can be used as links for the gray frames. A tool "blankuv" is included to generate blank *.U and *.V chroma files for each gray frame (*.Y) with soft links. Here is an example how to capture an MPEG "film.mpg" in the small format. k8100grab -s -f 100 -w test%04d.Y # generate test frames *.Y blankuv -s test*.Y # generate chroma frames *.U,*.V mpeg2encode MPEG-1-256x256.par film.mpg # generate the MPEG stream You can use mpeg_play or MpegTV Player to view your MPEG video's. The first one is available with ftp on in /pub/mpeg, and the second on URL 4) TODO ------- Color! The Velleman k4600 Video to RGB convertor can be used to get color. Obviously we'll need a color camera too. Anybody giving me one? Please e-mail me if you have a problem about this program or you got your card working with linux. I'm intrested in how many people use Linux and the Velleman K8100 kit. There is a home page provided for the k8100grab in Enjoy! Philippe Serbruyns