Arnaud Devos


Hi! I'm Arnaud, a postdoctoral researcher working at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at Ghent University. I am a member of the research group Stochastic Modeling and Analysis of Communication Systems (SMACS).

I conduct research in applied probability theory and stochastic modeling, with a primary focus on queueing theory. As a postdoc, I'm currently working on a project titled "Stochastic Modeling and Analysis of Quantum Networks," supported by a BOF-postdoctoral fellowship (BOF: Bijzonder Onderzoeksfonds - Special Research Fund).

In May 2022, I completed my PhD in Mathematical Engineering at Ghent University, where I was supervised by Herwig Bruneel, Joris Walraevens, and Dieter Fiems. An electronic version of my dissertation can be found here.

My core activities include research, teaching, and supervising. To see a list of my scientific publications, click here. To view a summary of my teaching experience, click here (summary in Dutch).

If you are a student interested in doing a master's thesis on topics such as queueing theory, feel free to contact me via my institutional email at
Arnaud dot Devos at ugent dot be.