
MFS028 PWV cs (foot of the curve)

General Info




sheet[0] 0 1 2
Arrival time (ms) 36.9 60 87.54
Time interval (ms) 0 23.1 50.64
Length (mm) 0 115 217
PWV (m/s) 0 4.97 4.28
sheet[1] 0 1 2
Arrival time (ms) 36.9 60 87.54
Time interval (ms) -23.1 0 27.53
Length (mm) 115 0 102
PWV (m/s) -4.97 0 3.7
sheet[2] 0 1 2
Arrival time (ms) 36.9 60 87.54
Time interval (ms) -50.64 -27.53 0
Length (mm) 217 102 0
PWV (m/s) -4.28 -3.7 0

Report generated from WaVelocityApp
Made by Danilo Babin (IPI-TELIN-UGent, Belgium).