Portable Stepper Discription Language

PSDL is the acronym for Portable Stepper Discription Language. The next table discribes the syntax discription:

#Comments, anything after this token until a newline is discarded.
VxVerbose level
V0nothing printed, optimized for speedy operations
V1inform speeds
V2for each step shows delay
CWMotor will be turned ClockWise.
CCWMotor will be turned Counter ClockWise.
PxPower control, 4 levels are possible:
P0No current
P1Low current 1/3 Imax
P2Medium current 2/3 Imax
P3Maximum current Imax.
RxChange rotation speed to x RPM (rounds per minute).
Float number between 0 and maximum RPM possible for motor. The motor is gently driven to the desired rotation speed (just like a real motor). e.g.
R60 # motor speeds/slows to 60 RPM.
JxJump to a specified rotation speed.
Float number between 0 and maximum jumping RPM possible for the motor. In fact the motor is ready to jump, no movement is taken yet (see Tx). The maximum is smaller than Rx rotations due to motor enertion. e.g.
J3.14 # motor is ready to jump to 3.14 RPM
TxMotor turns x turns with rotation speed set by Rx or Jx.
Positive Float number e.g.
T10 # motor rotates 10 full rounds
WxWait x seconds, obviously motor stands still!
Positive Float number e.g.
W2.5 # motor waits 2.5 seconds