In 2001 Sergio Alejandro Orjuela Vargas graduated as electronic engineer from the National University in Colombia. Afterwards he conducted a postgraduate in statistics in Tolima University. He graduated in control automation at the University of Ibagué in Colombia in agreement with Ghent and Leuven Universities. From 2008, he is conducting a PhD at the Image Processing and Interpretation research group (IPI) of the Department of Telecommunications and Information Processing (TELIN) at Ghent University. His main topic of research is texture analysis.





[1]               S. A. Orjuela, E. Vansteenkiste, F. Rooms, S. De Meulemeester, R. De Keyser, and W. Philips, “Evaluation of the wear label description in carpets by using local binary pattern techniques,” Textile Research Jounal. August, 2010.

[2]               S. A. Orjuela, B. Ortiz, S. De Meulemeester, Julio C. Garcia, F. Rooms, A. Pizurica, and W. Philips, “Surface reconstruction of wear in carpets by using a wavelet edge detector,” In Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Advanced Concepts For Intelligent Vision Systems), 2010.

[3]               S. A. Orjuela, E. Vansteenkiste, F. Rooms, S. De Meulemeester, R. De Keyser, and W. Philips, “Automated wear label assessment in carpets by using local binary pattern statistics on depth and intensity images,” in Proc. Of IEEE ANDESCON 2010: Green Technologies for a Better World, 2010.

[4]               S. A. Orjuela, E. Vansteenkiste, F. Rooms, S. De Meulemeester, R. De Keyser, and W. Philips. “Texture Wear Analysis in Textile Floor Coverings by Using Depth Information”. XV Simposio de Tratamiento de Señales, Imágenes y Visión Artificial STSIVA 2010.

[5]               S. A. Orjuela, E. Vansteenkiste, F. Rooms, S. De Meulemeester, R. De Keyser, and W. Philips, “A comparison between intensity and depth images for extracting features related to wear labels in carpets,” SPIE 7798, 2010.

[6]               S. A. Orjuela, F. Rooms, and W. Philip. “Geometric Local Binary Pattern, a New Approach to Analyse Texture in Images”, International Conference on Topology and its Applications, 2010.

[7]               S. A. Orjuela, D. Van Daele, F. Rooms, R De Keiser, and W. Philips. Analysing Carpet Wear”, SPIE Newsroom, 2010.

[8]               S. A. Orjuela, E. Vansteenkiste, F. Rooms, S. De Meulemeester, R. De Keyser, and W. Philips, “Feature extraction of the wear label of carpets by using a novel 3d scanner,” in Proc. of the Optics, Photonics and Digital Technologies for Multimedia Applications conference, 2010.

[9]               D. Martinez, S. A. Orjuela, "Máquina De Vectores De Soporte Para La Detección De Defectos Textiles Empleando Características Espaciales De Textura". En: Colombia. Revista Colombiana De Tecnologías De Avanzada  V.2(14) p.1-8 , 2009.

[10]           S. A. Orjuela, R. De Keyser, and W. Philips, “Evaluation of Geometrical Local Binary Patterns (GLBP) in carpet wear analysis". Proceedings 10de doctoraats.symposium, , p.92 - 93 , 2009.

[11]           C. Copot, S. Syafiie, S. A. Orjuela, R. De Keyser, V. L. L., and C. Lazar, “Carpet wear classification based on support vector machine pattern recognition approach,” in IEEE International conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, 5th, Proceedings, pp.  161–164, 2009.

[12]           S. A. Orjuela, C. Copot, S. Syafiie, E. Vansteenkiste, F. Rooms, W. Philips, R. De Keyser, and L. Van Langenhove, “Carpet wear classification using coocurrence matrices and support vector machines,” in Proc. of the XIII Simposio de Tratamiento de señles, Imágenes y Visón Artificial, 2008.

[13]           S. A. Orjuela, C. Copot, S. Syafiie, E. Vansteenkiste, F. Rooms, W. Philips, R. De Keyser, and L. Van Langenhove, “Carpet wear classification using coocurrence matrices and support vector machines,” The Nineteenth Annual Workshop On Circuits, Systems And Signal Processing (Prorisc), p.378 - 383  ,2008