Homepage of Samuel Van de Velde
Samuel Van de Velde, PhD Student, and Heidi Steendam, PhD Supervisor

Abstract--Samuel Van de Velde is a PhD student with the TELIN department at Ghent University, Belgium. He graduated in 2010 as Master Electrical Engineer with the highest honor. He is now working on the topic of Cooperative Localization and is supervised by Heidi Steendam. He has also worked in Sweden for several months to cooperate with Henk Wymeersch at Chalmers University.
Keywords--PhD student, Cooperative Localization, Belgium, UGent, Researcher

Contact Details
Samuel Van de Velde
Ph.D. Student in Electrical Engineering
Ghent University, Belgium
St.-Pietersnieuwstraat 41
9000 Ghent, Belgium
Phone: +32 9 264 34 26
I. Research
Almost two decades ago, the Global Positioning System (GPS) was launched. Back then, its main goal was to provide positioning information accurate enough for navigation. Nowadays a GPS chip is present in every modern smartphone or tablet and its functionality is extended from basic navigation to all kinds of applications that take advantage of the user's position. However, many of these so-called context-aware applications have not yet reached their full potential due to some important limitations of GPS. By far the main shortcoming of GPS is its inability to provide position information indoor. But also its moderate accuracy and the high power demand of the chip are a problem.To solve these problems a new technology is being developed called ultra-wideband (UWB). With this technology, very accurate range measurements can be made between two sensors and at very low power. By equipping users with such an UWB sensor it is possible to find position estimates in a cooperative manner where all users are helping each other in finding their position. Current state-of-the-art algorithms using cooperation are able to achieve very high accuracy (around 10cm) but unfortunately suffer from very high complexity and therefore cannot work real-time. My research is concentrating on this problem and once solved, UWB will finally have a real shot at becoming the new industry standard for indoor positioning.
This research is funded by the Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO).

Fig. Possible applications
II. Publications
A. Journal papers
- Van de Velde S., Abreu G., Zeltov P., and Steendam H., "An infogeometric perspective on estimators part I: theoretic framework" - work in progress
- Van de Velde S., Abreu G., Zeltov P., and Steendam H., "An infogeometric perspective on estimators part II: applications" - work in progress
- Van de Velde S., Abreu G., and Steendam H., "Improved Censoring and NLOS Avoidance for Wireless Localization in Dense Networks" - IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol 33, Issue 11, pp 1-11, November 2015
- Nyan B., Deboeverie F., Eldib M., Guan J., Xie X., Niño J., Van Haerenborgh D., Slembrouck M. Van de Velde S., Steendam H., Veelaert P., Kleihorst R., Aghajan H. and Philips W., "Human Mobility Monitoring in Very Low Resolution Visual Sensor Network" - Sensors 2014, pp. 20800--20824
B. Conference papers
- Van de Velde S., Wymeersch H. and Steendam H., "A bound for positioning with ambient sensors" - work in progress
- Van de Velde S., Gundeep A., Vallozzi L., Rogier H. and Steendam H., "Cooperative hybrid localization using Gaussian processes and belief propagation" - ICC'15, Workshop on advances in localization and navigation, Jun 2015, London, UK.
- Van de Velde S., Abreu G., Steendam H., "Bayesian CRLB for Hybrid ToA and DoA Based Wireless Localization with Anchor Uncertainty", in Proc. Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication (WPNC), March 2015, Dresden, Germany (Best paper award).
- Ghods A., Severi S., Abreu G., Van de Velde S. and Steendam H., "On the Structural Nature of Cooperation in Distributed Network Localization" - Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, Nov. 2-5 2014.
- M. Eldib, N. BoBo, F. Deboeverie, J. Nino, J. Guan, S. Van de Velde, X. Xie, H. Steendam, H. Aghajan, W. Philips, "A Low Resolution Monitoring System for Person Tracking" - ICIP'14, Paris, France, Oct. 2014.
- Van de Velde S., Abreu G., and Steendam H. "Frame Theory and Optimal Anchor Geometries for Wireless Localization" - VTCSpring2014, Seoul, May 18-21 2014.
- Van de Velde S., and Steendam H. "On the effect of movement on the localization accuracy in practical wireless networks" - in Proc. 20th IEEE Symposium on Communications and Vehicular Technology in the Benelux (SCVT), Namur, November 2013
- Van de Velde S., Van Torre P., and Steendam H. Fast and robust anchor calibration in range-based wireless localization" - in Proc. International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS), Gold Coast, December 2013
- Van de Velde S. and Steendam H. "CUPID algorithm for cooperative indoor multipath-aided localization" - in Proc. International Conference on Indoor positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN), Sydney, November 2012.
- Van de Velde S., Wymeersch H., Meissner P., Klaus W. and Steendam H. "Cooperative Multipath-Aided Indoor Localization" - in Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Paris, April 2012.
- Van de Velde S., Wymeersch H. and Steendam H. "Comparison of message passing algorithms for cooperative localization under NLOS conditions" in Proc. 9th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication (WPNC), Dresden, March 2012.
C. Awards
- Best paper award - WPNC 2015
- EOS best poster award - 15th FEA PhD Symposium 2014 [EOS article (dutch)]
- Best student paper award - WPNC 2012
- Best presentation - 12th FEA PhD Symposium 2011 [poster]
III. Useful links
- Pozyx: Pozyx is an ultra-wideband positioning platform compatible with Arduino. It makes research and development of positioning techniques or applications very easy.