Application of Microwave Tomography in 3D biomedical examples
MRI-based breast phantom
The data for reconstruction is from the online repository of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University
of Wisconsin-Madison (UWCEM). This online repository ( provides a database of anatomically realistic MRI-based numerical breast phantoms,
which capture the structural heterogeneity of normal breast tissue and incorporate the realistic dispersive dielectric properties of normal breast tissue from 0.5 to 20 GHz. Here we use single frequency
Click the image to see the configuration for Breast
Images from original data
ID 071904 Real Part
ID 071904 Imaginary Part
Images after down sampling with manual tumors inside (cell size=2.5mm)
ID 071904
ID 071904
Reconstructed Results
The permittivity grid for the reconstruction grid D has
cell size 5mm.
ID 071904
with 25x30x20 cells, which yields 30000 permittivity unknowns.
view from xy plane
real part-MS
imaginary part-MS
real part-Huber
real part-Huber
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