Gonzalo Luzardo received his Master in Computer Science and Information Technology with specialization in Multimedia Systems and Intelligent Computing from Polytechnic University of Madrid in 2019. He is a tenured professor at ESPOL Polytechnic University (Ecuador) from 2010. Currently, he is following his PhD at Gent University (Belgium) and working as a doctoral researcher at the Image Processing and Interpretation (IPI) group, an imec research group at Ghent University. His research focus on image processing and high dynamic range imaging.
Nowadays, he is working on improving the image stitching on aerial photographs in the UAV Research Center at Ghent University.
Gonzalo is also an enthusiastic drone hobbyist and is known as gonchaloxfpv in the Drone FPV community at Gent (Belgium). His official Youtube channel and Instagram account links on the icons.