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Undergraduate: Finite word length effects in digital adaptive filters, University of Guanajuato, Mexico.
Masters: Design and Implementation of Real-time Image Processing Algorithms for a Focal Plane camera, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya & Universite Catholique de Louvain, Spain-Belgium.
Journal Papers
1. V. Jelaca, A. Pizurica, J. Niño Castañeda, A. Frías-Velázquez, W. Philips. (2013). Vehicle Matching in Smart Camera Networks Using Image Projection Profiles at Multiple Instances , Image and Vision Computing, Elsevier, 31 (9): 673-685.
2. T. Besard, A. Frías-Velázquez, B. De Sutter, W. Philips. (2015). Case study of multiple trace transform implementations , International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, SAGE, vol. 29, pages 489-505, November 2015.
GitHub project: Trace transform implementation for C++, Matlab, CUDA, Julia, etc. Get the code in: .
3. A. Frías-Velázquez, P. Van Hese, A. Pizurica, W. Philips. (2015). Split-and-Match: A Bayesian Framework for Vehicle Re-identification in Road Tunnels , Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Elsevier, Vol. 45, Pages 220-233, October 2015.
4. Jorge Niño-Castañeda, Andrés Frías-Velázquez, Nyan Bo Bo, Maarten Slembrouck, Junzhi Guan, Glen Debard, Bart Vanrumste, Tinne Tuytelaars, and Wilfried Philips. (2016). Scalable Semi-Automatic Annotation for Multi-Camera Person Tracking, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, in press, 2016.(Open Access)
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