Q: How can I send big files to somebody from this or another Belgian university?
A: You can send up to 100GB files with filesender
Related question:
Q: How do I send files to somebody when the attachment email is somehow
A: If you struggle to send/receive files with e-mail (eg. size >30MB, false positives from virusscanners), you can use the filesender service from BELNET. This service is especially designed for researchers, because you never know what companies (like Dropbox, Wetransfer, Onedrive, Google drive,…) excactly do with the content of your files! BELNET is our network provider, so this should be a much safer solution! If your browser is HTML5 capable (any modern browser should be), you can send up to 100GB! This should be sufficient for many cases.
More info on filesender info and add this link address to your bookmarks:
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