As of now S3 is being phased out in favour of sftp.
Our TELIN fileservers use Minio S3 AWS cloud storage services to access data.
Storage is connected through an access key, which routes to a directory in any filesystem. User permission can be given to have read-write, read-only, upload or download access.
The following client options are explained:
The browser gives easy access to your S3 storage.
Goto the URL and fill in the credentials that you have received from your sysadmin.
The arrows shows which area’s can be clicked. The + is for uploading if you have permission. The three dots … give you access to share, download and delete (if you have permission).
There is a special case if you long click on the round with an inside square next to the filename. This way you can select multiple files and download a Zip file. You only have to click on Download all as Zip, at first you think nothing happens, but in the background a zip file is created and downloaded! So, just wait if you have clicked and the joined files are being received.
Windows has a lot of choices:
Cyberduck lets you not only connect to our SFTP servers, but can also connect to our S3 Cloud Storage.
Goto the download section and install the Cyberduck application. Download by right-click this S3 (HTTPS) profile preconfigured settings, in Edge (Save target as). Once you downloaded this profile double-click or drag it into the main (bookmarks) window of the Cyberduck application.
The profile is derived from GenericS3profiles
Goto the preferences in tab General and select Use Keychain. This way you will be ably to save your secret keys. Select S3 (https) as default protocol.
In the tab Transfers select Use browser connection.
You can fill in the server and account parameters that you got from the Telin sysadmin or colleague.
Save it by closing the window (cross in right corner).
You can now connect to the Telin S3 Cloud Storage through the bookmark you just created.
WinSCP lets you not only connect to our SFTP servers, but can also connect to our S3 Cloud Storage.
Goto the download and install the WinSCP application. Or if you have installed it already, check if it is a recent version that allows S3.
When you launch WinSCP a Login window pops up.
You can now connect to the S3 storage with WinSCP.
S3 browser is also available for connecting to the TELIN S3 Cloud storage.
Goto the download and install the S3 Browser Freeware software.
You can now connect to the S3 storage with S3 Browser.
This looks like the ultimate tool, connect a drive letter to your S3 storage!
All files are in a zip file which can be run from the CMD terminal.
Locate the windows zip file in the releases. At the time of writing it is Extract the files in your Desktop folder, so you can easily find it.
Open a CMD terminal via the windows Search bar and type the following:
mkdir %APPDATA%\rclone
notepad %APPDATA%\rclone\rclone.conf
and add the following into the rclone.conf file:
type = s3
provider = Minio
access_key_id = minio-username
secret_access_key = minio-password
endpoint = https://s3-url
acl = private
replace minio-username, minio-password and s3-url with the credentials and URL you got from your sysadmin. Save and exit the notepad.exe app.
Now you should be able to access the S3 storage. Locate your extracted rclone directory, right click open in Terminal.
.\rclone ls my-s3:
If this works, you are ready to connect your S3 storage through a drive letter. Type the following in a your terminal.
winget install winfsp
.\rclone mount my-s3:bucket-name/ S: --vfs-cache-mode full
Replace bucket-name with the bucket name you got from your sysadmin. (You could change full to writes as a finer option).
Locate in the windows Explorer folder This PC and select the S: drive!
Now you can copy and paste your files and folders from another folder to your S3 storage.
Users of MacOS can follow the guide from Cyberduck in Windows. The downloaded S3 (HTTPS) profile can be double clicked to make it active in Cyberduck!
In the Google Play store search for bucketanywhere. You can find Bucketanywhere for S3 from the company Lysesoft. After install you can fill in the S3 connecton details.
You can browse the S3 storage now and select some files. The top right icon with the arrow down and a horizontal bar is for download.
If you tick on the smartphone icon, it becomes a cloud icon and you can upload from your mobile, if you have permission from the server.
You can now work from your mobile with the S3 storage from TELIN. The app contains ads, so ignore the open at the bottom, or if you like it you can purchase it to get rid of the ads.
Download the mc client from Minio’s website.
$ mc --help
mc alias set queenbee minio ****************
Get your URL and credentials from your sysadmin or colleagues.
mc ls mys3
mc ls mys3/mybucket
mc cp mys3/mybucket/myfile .
mc cp myfile mys3/mybucket/
mc rm mys3/mybucket/myfile
The complete documentation can be found here
Here is a little example to get you started in Python. First install the Minio Python module.
$ pip3 install --user minio
from minio import Minio
import io
# Create client with access and secret key.
# Connection details from your sysadmin or colleagues.
client = Minio("", "minio", "*******************************")
print('Making a bucket "mybucket" and writing text "Hello World!" to file "hello.txt".')
# Create bucket
if client.bucket_exists("mybucket"):
print("Warning: mybucket exists")
print("Creating mybucket")
# Upload data
result = client.put_object(
"mybucket", "hello.txt", io.BytesIO(b"Hello World!"), 12,
"Created {0} object; etag: {1}, version-id: {2}".format(
result.object_name, result.etag, result.version_id,
print('Reading 6 bytes with offset 6 from the "hello.txt" file')
# Download data
response = client.get_object(
"mybucket", "hello.txt", offset=6, length=6,
# Read data from response.
print("Welcome {0}".format("utf-8")))
More documentation can be found here.