We have an internal meeting room booking system (MRBS).
You can view all the meetings online or you can reserve a meeting if you log in with your TELIN account. However, the secretary can overwrite a booking, but will inform you when something has to change (your e-mail address is logged).
At the moment we have 4 meeting rooms: the Red and Blue room (2nd floor) and the Green and Yellow room (1st floor). You can select a day view which shows both rooms, a week view or a month view but then you have to select the room as well. You can reserve a meeting when you log in (top right button), fill in a brief description, start and end time and you can even select the repeat function. In the full description you can tell how many people will attend and if the secretary has to provide coffee/tea.
This is the URL: https://telin.ugent.be/meetingroom/